Sunday, May 4, 2014


Hello everyone,

My name is Lauren Green. I am a student at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth pursuing a degree in 3D modeling and design.

A little about me? Well, I am:

a 3D Modeler
an illustrator
an avid video gamer
an all around artsy sort of gal
eccentric and friendly
an intermediate ukulele player (ukulelist?)
a bubbly, overall happy person
excited to meet new people!

With this blog, you will notice works in progress, storyboards, illustrations, photography, doodles and drawings, and finished projects

My Deviant Art is
Some of my older photography/illustration/traditional works can be found there!


Inspired by video games, my resume is loosely based off of a generic fps-type game (first person shooter), equipped with a health bar, HUD, sensors, etc. Displayed are my qualifications, technological proficiencies and other merits worth noting

Cover Letter & Letterhead