Sunday, May 4, 2014


Hello everyone,

My name is Lauren Green. I am a student at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth pursuing a degree in 3D modeling and design.

A little about me? Well, I am:

a 3D Modeler
an illustrator
an avid video gamer
an all around artsy sort of gal
eccentric and friendly
an intermediate ukulele player (ukulelist?)
a bubbly, overall happy person
excited to meet new people!

With this blog, you will notice works in progress, storyboards, illustrations, photography, doodles and drawings, and finished projects

My Deviant Art is
Some of my older photography/illustration/traditional works can be found there!


Inspired by video games, my resume is loosely based off of a generic fps-type game (first person shooter), equipped with a health bar, HUD, sensors, etc. Displayed are my qualifications, technological proficiencies and other merits worth noting

Cover Letter & Letterhead

Monday, April 14, 2014

Rube Goldbergs Contraption (Update!)

UPDATE (5/4/14)

Our final piece! Once reviewed, we will discuss mild edits to our dialogue, sound, etc, but as of right now it's finally complete!

Click here to watch Applocalypse!

UPDATE (5/3/14)

We're almost there! This week we will be spending in After Effects and piecing this project together.
Here's a screenshot for those interested in how we've progressed.

God-mode, ACTIVATE!

A play blast of the progress we've made since the initial pictures were posted.
We plan to be finished with the entire project within the next 3 weeks

Sunday, March 30, 2014

3D Animation Rube Goldbergs Contraption Model WIP

For the entire semester, our goal was to write up a situation dealing with some aspect of a Rube Goldbergs contraption. We were told to create a contraption and to use it accordingly with our scene and our 3D model, Norman, in some bizarre situation. Perhaps not too bizarre, some projects are much simpler and much "sweeter" than the one my partner Damian and I are working on currently. Not to sat that it's necessarily "inappropriate" or " dirty" but our is, to say the least "different." If anything, it will make you laugh, I promise.

Back to the project, my partner and I drew up a quick story board for what  Norman was going to do in our scene and how different objects interact with one another in a series of (in our case unfortunate) events. The machine must work and Norman must interact with it in some way, shape or form. The idea is based around the model.

We decided to take our idea to the kitchen where the opportunities for something creative and funny are endless. We spent 3-ish weeks working in Maya and in Blender to create a realistic version of a kitchen scene, after spending about a weeks worth of time researching kitchen appliances, model kitchens, both modern, traditional and contemporary, and come up with our own setting. We're still in the process of animating, and even coloring our Norman model, along with tweaking our scene for the most optimal setting. This project will be completed before the 2nd week of May, which is when it is due. The 30 second requirement will probably end up being about a minute, due to the amount of work we've been putting in.

Below are our storyboards, our concepts, and some of our work that we've gotten done so far. Norman is animated about 10 seconds into our scene, I will post more about that once we're satisfied with his movements.

3D Teapot

This project was very straight to the point, and a good start to begin understanding the fundamentals of 3D modeling and using Maya. We had 5-6 weeks to follow our beginner tutorials and create a teapot, and prepare a display for the school using our wireframes and our finished product

Xbox Sculpture WIP

From time to time I find thing that perk my curiosity, one of those things is sculpture. I don't have any other knowledge of sculpture other than the core foundation, along with hand building, wheel throwing, etc. All that basic stuff is fun and relaxing for me, but I don't know much more than that. For this project, which was created back in 2013 as my final for my first semester at UMD (as a transfer student, of course, I was a junior then), was to create a piece and add a silk screen (which we drew up designs for, and created) and implement them to our finished piece. The medium we used was red clay, silk screens, screen printer, india ink, and any sculpting aids like water, sponges, and the mass variety of different carving tools.

For not having an in-depth understanding of sculpture, creating this piece was actually one of my proudest achievements. I'm incredibly proud of this piece. I used my old Xbox (original) as a reference and measured it out to be near exact. It's not perfect, and granted it's a little too slim, but regardless, it looks almost exactly like an original xbox.

Still trying to decide on color and whether or not I should paint or spray paint the final piece, touching it up with the lime-green that's implemented in the console. But that would tamper with the silk screen aspect that's located on the very top (of Master Chief), so there are some things that I still need to work out. Before I paint this, I will take a more