Sunday, March 30, 2014

Advanced 3D modeling (The Alien)

So this project was given to us the second half of the semester in Advanced 3D modeling. We had the option to either do this, or create a realistic version of a human head of our choosing. I decided this was the best bet because not only do I like creating my own illustrations to work off of, I also got the opportunity to learn how to create full bodied figures (even though it was simpler to make it abstract) and how to stitch things together accordingly.

The concept was designed on my creative mind with a little hint of Stitch from "Lilo and Stitch." I created a figure much similar to this in the past, but decided with the final product for this project, I would simplify the design so I could work in a realistic time frame. Although we did not have to apply joints and bones to the figure, I did play around a little bit with rigging, but I digress.

The overall product was created with a mixture of traditional sketching, vector art, colored simply in photoshop for an idea and created in Maya. There are a lot of differences between the art and the final concept, but for the sake of getting the project completed in six weeks I had to come to terms with some of the things I wanted to do, but simply could not at the time. The final render can be viewed below

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